Bryn de Bear

The banana really did split at Oasis Ice Cream

Dad surprised Mum today with an after work visit to Oasis Ice Cream Parlour in Chorlton. This day will stick in our memories for a very long time because of the weather! Greater Manchester was plunged into darkness as the great September storm brought lightning, thunder, rain and chaos. The storm dumped more than 30mm of rainfall in just one hour, about half the average for the whole of September ☔

We’d arrived in Chorlton just as the rain started and after parking up around the corner, we ran to the ice cream shop as fast as we could. We ordered Banana Splits and after choosing three flavours of ice cream each, the server made our sundaes, complete with whipped cream, sprinkles, nuts and a topping sauce. Hold on… wait a minute, where is the banana? It really had split! No banana in a banana split! Maybe the server was distracted by the rain as it came down harder and harder outside. Anyway, not to worry, the ice cream was still yummy and went down a treat 🍨

Now, time to go home… we ran back to the car and set off, everyone was driving very very slowly and it wasn’t a nice experience at all. One of the roads was quite flooded and we only just managed to drive through… scary! We later found out that there was quite bad flooding in Central Manchester and some other places, it all good happened so quickly! One thing’s for sure, it wasn’t really ice cream weather 😆

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