Bryn de Bear

About Me

Hello, my name is Bryn… Bryn de Bear. I am a very lucky bear. Why you ask… well I was rescued and adopted by the best parents a bear could wish for. And now they take me everywhere… well almost everywhere… so I get to see places I could never dream of and I am putting this tiny website together in my spare bear time (with a little help from my very clever techie Daddy), so you can read all about my adventures with my new Mum and Dad. But first, more about my story and how I came to be with my adopted parents.

It all started on a sunny Autumn day in September 2015. My Mum and Dad had been together for 6 months and were going on a day trip to celebrate. My Dad thought my Mum would love to visit Wales as she’d never been before and decided to drive them to Llandudno, where they crammed lots of fun things into the day. They walked along the famous pier, played in the amusement arcades, had fish and chips (fighting off the greedy sea gulls), but the single most important thing that day was getting the tramway up to the top of the Great Orme.

Bryn de Bear in Llandudno

Just before they were about to leave, they went to the gift shop up at the summit. They looked around the shop looking for something to remember the day. Lots of people had been in that day and I wasn’t really expecting them to even look at me… I didn’t even have a price tag on me and I probably looked a little scruffy compared to all the other newer toys. What happened then was a massive surprise! My soon to be Mum saw me and got so excited when she picked me up, she was like a giddy little girl. “Can we have him, can we have him!”, she asked my soon to be Dad. “Of course we can, how much is he?”, he replied. They obviously didn’t know so they ask the young man behind the till and as he wasn’t sure either. He asked them “how much to you want to pay?” and my Dad quickly gave the man a few coins and that was that, I had a new Mum and Dad and we were off on our merry way.

Anyway, that was just the start of a great adventure and whilst you’re waiting (patiently) for me to build the rest of my site, please check out my Instagram below and don’t forget to follow me!